Lightking Sgr-2.9II Module

AV Set Produzioni SpA / Rental  / Display LED / Lightking Sgr-2.9II Module

Sgr-2.9II by Lightking is an ultra-thin indoor module. Returns high-definition images in an ultra-light design. The high refresh rate of 2400Hz makes images clear and bright.

A product that guarantees quality, precision, reliability and ease of installation and maintenance. Power source and receiving board are designed inside the aluminum body. The handle positioned just above the tile makes the product elegant and at the same time easy to carry.

Pixle pitch
2.9 mm
(w x h x d – mm)
600 x 400 x 97
Resolution 204 x 136 pixel
Weight 8,7 kg
Brightness (cd/m²) 600 – 1000
Terminal Video Processor (SDI/HDSDI, VGA, HDMI)
Pixel configuration
Power supply AC220V/110V±10%
Colors 16,7 M
60 Hz

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